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Recent Happenings

River Ecology Day

Co-Founder Amy Honan, together with Angie Carroll, held a free River Ecology camp day with Crested Butte kids. We biked from Pirate Park to the Slate River. At the river, we sampled the macroinvertebrates. The camp participants were engrossed identifying the macroinvertebrates we collected. Everyone had a great day learning the ecological function of these essential bugs.


Establishing New Gardens

Co-Founder Meri Wallace has been busy building pollinator friendly gardens throughout the Gunnison Valley. The new plants are welcoming the summer rains.

Pulsatilla nuttalliana, the Spring Pasqueflower

This beautiful spring flower is one of the first to appear in the Crested Butte area. A great place to see this flower is along the Cement Creek trail as early as April. The taxonomic placement of this flower has been in flux.


©2023 by Crested Butte Botanic Gardens

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